Pēpi / Babies
Safe and gentle for newborns and onwards

How is BCST suited to my pēpi / baby?
Many parents choose BCST to support their pēpi with the best start in life.
BCST is extremely gentle and safe for newborns. With no need to remove clothing, it is a non-disruptive soothing modality.
It is an ideal theraeuptic balancing and re-organising method for newborn babies who may have experienced a challenging pregnancy, labour and birth journey or transition into the extra-uterine world.

What happens during a session?
Commonly babies may settle and sleep during the session, or actively express their 'story' by communicating with movement and/or sound.
Recognising the importance of the mama-baby dyad, mama/parent/caregiver are included in the sesssion with their pēpi/baby. Pēpi can comfortably be held in mama's/whānau's arms throughout, or rest safely nearby with the practitioner making soft therapeutic contact.
Most importantly, pēpi and mama/whanau lead the session including the pace of unfolding / aligning. The practitioner is highly training in recognising such cues and subtle shifts / expressions in the nervous sytem, tissues and fluids

How can BCST help my newborn?
Reasons parents and whānau come to BCST for their baby include:
recognition, processing and resolving birth stress or trauma
unsettledness / crying
excessive spilling
latching or breastfeeding difficulties
tounge-tie (ankyloglossia)
Pepi's neck / head position (torticollis)
deepening the connection between pēpi and mama/ parent(s)/whanau
to support baby's natural capacity for thriving, balanced wellbeing and overall growth and development
pre-term birth
Intra uterine growth restriction
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Lisa Rose
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